Adrenal Fatigue and Stress

Adrenal fatigue is the term given to a condition which is largely unrecognised by the medical profession; where part of the adrenal glands stop working properly. While it is unrecognised by doctors, alternative practitioners see adrenal fatigue as something which will affect everyone at some point in their lifetime and…

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A Grain Free Lunch

Colin contacted me recently as he was having trouble packing a grain free lunch for work. I used to find lunches difficult too Colin had been diagnosed with leaky gut syndrome (see my post on leaky gut here) and knew that grain based foods were not agreeing with him however…

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Husband’s update

I have joined Andrea on her grain-free diet for the past month to see what benefits or differences I experienced. I’ve kept exercise levels and everything else pretty much the same. It’s been tough staying away from the beer, cake, and biscuits, but this was mitigated by getting to try…

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