Processed and Ultra-Processed Foods

What are processed foods? Processed foods are any foods which have undergone a man made process.  So, they are: jams, jellies, pies, bread, cake, cheese, soft drinks, ready meals etc to name just a few. Are processed foods bad for you? Glad you asked.  Not necessarily.  You see, processing extends…

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Is Veganuary a good idea or not? I’m really torn on this one.  Going vegetarian when I was 19, I toyed with being a vegan many times over the years.  Eventually though I found that all the pasta, bread, rice and dairy was doing me no good at all.  I’ve…

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Grain Growers Fight Back

Well not the actual growers as such but movers and shakers behind the grain industry will be celebrating over their high fibre bowls of cereal after a World Health Organisation funded piece of research was published in the Lancet yesterday (10.1.19).  Read all about it in the Guardian. What is…

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